Writing and Publishing

Three Perspectives on Hybrid Authors

A hybrid author is someone who uses both traditional publishing and indie publishing. Though the reasons for pursuing this dual approach are many, there are two base motivations: more sales or more income. Generally, traditionally published books are better vetted, have higher quality, enjoy wider distribution, and produce more sales. The benefits of indie-publishing tend […]


Going from Good to Better

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I remember years ago as I gazed about my office, I am amused at its absurdity. It contained an eclectic array of form and function. Although my computer technology was first-rate, the room’s remaining accouterments were a varied collection emanating from different decades, with the diverging appearance and disparate degrees […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s Next For the Publishing Industry?

The Publishing Industry Is Changing In round numbers, five hundred years ago the world witnessed the invention of the printing press, changing the way people communicated. This innovation (along with advances in shipbuilding) ushered in the modern era. There’s a definite connection between the printing press and modernity. Though the technology of printing has advanced […]

Telephone Answering Service

Optimize Agent Hiring

Streamline Your Hiring Process to Realize Fast Results By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Have you ever offered a promising job candidate a position only for them to decline because they already accepted a job with another company? I have. I took too long. Even though they claim to have preferred to work for me, they […]

Writing and Publishing

Four Ways to Stay Informed About Book Publishing

In the world of book publishing, if we blink, something’s apt to change. Every day there seems to be a new option, a different twist, or better pricing. The best solution for a particular situation soon yields to an even better answer—often within months or even weeks. Publishing books becomes an art of aiming at […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Pursuing Work-Life Balance in the Medical Call Center

Take Key Steps to Reduce Burnout and Increase Retention By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We hear a lot about work-life balance. This is extra challenging in the healthcare industry, as well as with call center work. The combination of these two areas in the medical call center results in a need to strive to achieve […]

Writing and Publishing

Three Possible Problems with Self-Published Books

Self-published Book Problems Self-published books carry a stigma of poor quality: weak writing, shoddy editing, second-rate production, and a product that often screams “amateur.” Unfortunately, this perception stems from the growing evidence provided by many self-published works. Though not all self-published books are substandard, too many are. Here are thee examples self-published book problems from […]

Call Center

Is the Future Our Friend or Foe?

Be Ready for Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Your Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD One of the spaces I inhabit is the call center industry. Another of my worlds is writing. These two areas intersect in this column. Another commonality is how technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), will affect both sectors. Futurists in the […]


The Perfect Answer: The Ideal Way to Answer Your Phone and Make a Great Impression

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How often have you called a company and wondered if you reached the right number? All too often, busy people answer calls hurriedly, haphazardly, or incompletely. Or perhaps the receptionist seems out of breath after spitting out a lengthy, tongue-twisting greeting. Also, it’s vital that an organization answers every call […]

Writing and Publishing

Is Traditional Publishing is the New Vanity Publishing?

I’m not sure who said it first, but I’m not the first to say that “traditional publishing is the new vanity publishing.” As writers struggle with the quandary over self-publishing or traditional publishing, many cling to traditional publishing as the preferred solution merely because they see it as validating their work. In their minds, finding […]