Writing and Publishing

How to Setup Your Website and Blog

The Technical Aspect of Setting Up Your Website and Blog I’m a big fan of WordPress and so are a lot of other people. Thirty percent of the top million websites worldwide rely on WordPress for their website and blog. I recommend you join them and use WordPress to setup your website. There Are Two […]

Writing and Publishing

Submit Your Post and Article to Blogs

To submit your post to blogs, the first thing to do is see if your target blog runs guest posts. Many do not. They may state this on their site, or you may need to search their archives to find out. Next, as with print, familiarize yourself with the blog. Look at the content they […]

Telephone Answering Service

Make Sure Your TAS Website Is Ready for Search Engines

Having Great Content on Your Website Means Nothing If No One Can Find It By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few months ago we looked at SEO (search engine optimization) for telephone answering service websites. In that short column, we touched on the essential SEO elements: page or post title, description, and keyword or keyword […]

Writing and Publishing

Tips for Periodical Submission Success

To submit content to print publications, the first thing is to familiarize yourself with the target publication. Look at the type of content they print, how long each item runs, the style they use, and their tone. To make your periodical submission a success, your goal is to match those characteristics as closely as you […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Be Sure to Thank Your Staff

Let Your Call Center Employees Know You Appreciate Their Work By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We just celebrated Thanksgiving in the United States, which is a time where we typically reflect on what we’re thankful for—when we’re not scarfing down a holiday feast.  Do you let your staff know you appreciate them? I’m sure you’ll […]

Writing and Publishing

More on Blogging Your Book

Is blogging your book a good idea? If you blog your book, why will people buy it? Logic suggests they wouldn’t, but the reality is that most people will. Let me share what I’ve learned from other writers. I’ve yet to talk to anyone who felt their blog posts hurt their book sales. Even when […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing a Book Versus Blogging

If you want to write a book and blog, what should you do? It’s a book versus blogging debate. Too many writers starting out try to do both and end up doing neither one well. Or they try to write a book before they’re ready. Then they end up with something not suitable for publication, […]


Successful Author FAQs: Discover the Art of Writing and the Business of Publishing

Do You Have Questions about Writing? Publishing? Peter Lyle DeHaan has answers, which he shares in Successful Author FAQs. With over three decades of experience as an author, blogger, freelancer, and publisher, Peter will help you on your writing journey. On this grand adventure: But there’s more. In fourteen chapters, with over one hundred entries, […]

Telephone Answering Service

Streamline Billing and Collections

Increase Cash Flow by Shortening the Time Between Billing Cut Off and Payment Receipt By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As we look at ways to be a responsive answering service, one critical, but too-often overlooked, the area is billing and collections. This affects cash flow and is a critical consideration in maintaining the financial viability […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing Tips on Formatting Numbers

Do you have questions about formatting numbers? There are two main rules that apply to writing numbers: 1. Write out single-digit numbers (one through nine) and use digits for numbers for 10 and higher, or 2. Write out one hundred and everything less. Use numbers for everything greater than one hundred. Some style guides say […]