Writing and Publishing

My Addiction to Alliteration

I used to be addicted to alliteration: the repetition of similar sounds near each other in a sentence, usually at the start of words. “Similar sounds” is an example of alliteration. An extreme example would be “Similar sounds starting successive words…” Just as some people consider a pun as the highest form of humor, I […]

Call Center

Call Center Work-at-Home Opportunities

The Benefits of Home-Based Telephone Agents By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the past few years, we’ve seen an unprecedented move to pursue work-at-home opportunities in call centers. Granted, a few operations were already there. And some outright reject home-based staff as an option. But others have embraced a distributed workforce as a new way […]

Writing and Publishing

Finding a Writing Mentor

Many Writers Wish They Had a Mentor The problem is that those who are most qualified to be a mentor are also the busiest, and the people who have time are usually not as experienced. If you find someone who would make a great mentor, just ask them, but leave them room to say, “No,” […]


Frontline Customer Service Staff

Work to Make Your Support Staff’s Job Easier By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A common thread throughout these posts is that a person—not a department or an organization—provides customer support. The two exceptions are self-service and automated bots, but even these often require—or, at least, should require—an actual person to back them up. This means […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Celebrate Medical Call Center Agents

Look for Ways to Applaud Customer Service and Patient Care Excellence By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Working in a call center is challenging. Working in a medical call center is even harder, especially given what we’ve had to deal with in the past couple of years. The result has been rapid changes, often in quick […]

Writing and Publishing

Call Yourself a Writer

I remember it well. Alone, I sit in my home office. I should be working. I’m not. I’m distracted. In my windowless basement room, I swing the door shut and dim the lights. I know what I must do, but I don’t want to. I’ve been writing and publishing for years, but I’ve never owned […]

Writing and Publishing

The Future of Books: What are the Prospects for Book Publishing?

Now is a great time to publish a book and don’t let anyone tell you differently What is your perception of the future of books? Is interest in increasing, maintaining, or shrinking? The media would have us believe the end is near, at least as far as the book business, especially print books, is concerned. […]

Telephone Answering Service

Celebrate the Telephone

The TAS Industry Centers on a Readily Understood, Universal, and Reliable Technology By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Telephone answering services handle thousands of telephone calls every day. The majority are incoming calls that come from clients’ customers and prospects. The rest are outgoing calls made for clients. With the continual use of the telephone at […]

Writing and Publishing

Is Writing Worth All the Hassle?

Most definitely! First, if writing were easy, everyone would do it. Though anyone who knows how to read can write, few people can write well. That’s what being a writer is: exercising our ability to string words together with excellence.  As with any worthwhile endeavor, it takes time to develop skill as a writer. As […]


Peter Lyle DeHaan News