By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Some embrace it, others spurn it, but most would agree that the Internet is part of everyday life today – and it is here to stay. Of course, some people will never use the Internet, but then there are still those who do not have a telephone or own a […]
An Eye For Customer Service
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. It was an emergency run to the eye doctor. Being far-sighted and using a computer all day makes my glasses an indispensable tool – one that I treat with the utmost care. Imagine my dismay when in the midst of my morning cleaning routine, I heard the frame snap and […]
Nothing to Sneeze About
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few years ago, I had a strange revelation. It all began with a sneeze. In doing so, I realized that I sounded just like my dad. Not that there is anything wrong or strange about how my dad sneezes, just that it is distinctive. At first, I chalked this […]
The Only Constant is Change
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD This special ATSI Convention issue represents something new for Connections Magazine. We took a step back and asked ourselves, what can we do to better serve the industry? Helping to promote the ATSI Convention was top on the list. Long-time readers of Connections Magazine will notice how it has changed. […]
We’re on a Mission
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I am a bit of a movie buff. Among my more arcane interests is a fixation with memorable, unique, or humorous lines from films. Some phrases make their way into pop-culture, such as Clint Eastwood, pointing his ominous side-arm and snarling, “Go ahead, make my day.” Others transcend generations, as […]
Going Virtual
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As I wrote my column for the last issue, I was struck with the realization that I had structured Connections Magazine as a virtual company. This wasn’t intentional; it just worked out that way. Not only am I the only one working in the “corporate office,” there are no local […]
It’s a Team Effort
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD This is my first issue as Publisher of Connections Magazine. It is an exciting time for me and represents a couple of significant milestones. For Connections, this is the 51st issue. Fifty issues have been successfully published by founder and former publisher Steve Michaels. Now the baton has been passed […]