Call Center

Counting Chickens

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In my office is an evocative black and white aerial photo of my grandfather’s chicken farm, circa 1960. Grandpa and Dad ran the farm, along with a revolving assortment of hired help. The farm consisted of five barns, in two interconnected groups. Together they accommodated 15,000 hens. Four buildings housed […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Beware the Time Bandits

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In retail, the term shrinkage is euphemistically used to reference stock which “disappears” before it can be sold. In essence, it is a product that the retailer bought, but can’t sell. To be direct, shrinkage is theft. While some of this is due to shoplifting, it also results from employees, […]


Customer Since 1978

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It was an emotional moment for me. After proudly carrying and using a Shell gasoline credit card for more than 20 years, I canceled it and was in the process of cutting it up. Not that I was angry or upset with Shell, but it no longer made sense to carry […]


It’s All Virtual

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As I contemplated my publishing business, I was struck with the realization that I had structured it as a virtual company. This wasn’t intentional; it just worked out that way. Not only am I the only one working in the “corporate office,” there are no local vendors either. Indeed everyone who […]

Call Center

Customer Service is a Strategy, Not a Slogan

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Does your organization make customer service a priority? I expect that it does. In fact, I suspect that the phrase “customer service” is found somewhere in your mission or vision statement, etched on a wall plaque, proclaimed in your marketing material, and oft orated by upper management. However, as is […]

Call Center

Put the Customer Back into Customer Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I’ve come to the realization that I tend to put off buying things. It’s not because I procrastinate (at least not too much), or because I am adverse to making decisions, or even because it is a money issue. Sadly, the reason that I often avoid purchasing things I want […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Power of a Compliment

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the years between high school graduation and my first real job, I took on a variety of part-time work while being a full-time student. During one such vocational transition, the placement advisor at school knew of an immediate opening for an audio engineer at a TV station. I arrived […]


What I Learned on My Summer Vacation

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD This fall, the thoughts of school age children everywhere are focused on returning to school. Some approach the new school year with dread and trepidation, a few with excitement and high expectation, and others with inevitable acquiescence and acceptance. Regardless of their personal perspective, many will be faced with the traditional […]

Call Center

The Myth of Self-Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD What is your self-service strategy? Is it in-place and fully functional? Perhaps it’s moving forward, slowly but surely. Conversely, you may still be contemplating what your self-service offerings should be – if any at all. If you do make available self-service to your clients or their customers, is it used […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Watch Your Attitude

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. On a weekend trip a while ago, my wife and I found ourselves at the local McDonald’s for breakfast. “I’ll have a number 10,” I decisively informed the perky and personable teenage-looking girl at the counter. She acknowledged my request and smiled pleasantly. This encouraged me to make small talk […]