
So, You’re Being Acquired

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most employees fear the changes wrought by acquisition. I have never been “acquired,” but I have been on the other side—about a dozen times, buying small and medium-sized companies and integrating them into a larger operation. The almost universal response to an acquisition announcement is trepidation and panic. Staff, especially […]


The Effects of High Unemployment

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Ten years ago, the unemployment rate was running high. Businesses needing to hire found themselves in a “buyer’s market.” This was what I wrote back then: There are plenty of people looking for work. This results in more applicants to pick from for each opening. High unemployment has also served […]


The Secret to Successful Joint Ventures and Strategic Partnerships

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Astute entrepreneurs are always seeking ways to improve their business, increase revenue, and diversify into related business lines. During this time of doubtful economic conditions, with possible decreased sales and smaller profits, it is even more critical to explore ways to bolster business prospects. One such way is by working […]


Shoot the Puck

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I have been following the sport of hockey. Before that, a myriad of other athletic diversions captured my attention. As a youngster, I did what many of my peers did and played Little League baseball. Not that I was good at it or particularly enjoyed it. In fact, after four […]


The Sales and Marketing Success Formula

Sales Success Comes through Attitude and Execution By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD People often ask, “How can I get more sales?” Increasing sales stands as a primary concern at most businesses. No one has ever told me their company closes all the deals they want. I wish they would ask me easier questions: “How can […]


It’s 3 AM – Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It doesn’t matter what type of company you run, your operation amasses a great deal of valuable data. You have a treasure trove of customer information, including phone numbers, mailing addresses, email addresses, billing histories, demographic profiles, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers. You purchased some […]


Providing Quality Service

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Growing up, I remember a radio commercial with the tag line, “Service sold it.” Even as a young kid I was able to grasp the concept that providing quality service was a great way to close more sales and gain new business. Over the years, I have heard this mantra […]


Watch Your Attitude

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD On a weekend trip my wife and I found ourselves at a fast-food restaurant for breakfast. “I’ll have a number 10,” I decisively told the perky teenage girl at the counter. She acknowledged my request and smiled pleasantly. This encouraged me to make small talk while my wife contemplated her […]


6 Trends to Watch in the New Year

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As we make the transition from one year to the next, we typically take time to reflect and project – that is, to look at the past and anticipate the future. In embarking on this task, it is not my intent to recap the past year. Nor is it my […]


Is Customer Service a Phone Call Away?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Today’s younger drivers have never had the experience of pulling into a gas station and having an attendant run out to fill up their car with gas. When it comes to fueling their vehicles, all they know is self-service. I have a vague recollection of that time. When first offered […]