Prolific Author Expands Access Author Peter Lyle DeHaan is now on Substack, an online resource that “lets independent writers and podcasters publish directly to their audience.” “My website,, will remain the hub of my online presence,” DeHaan said, “but Substack will be integral to support that effort and extend it even further.” Though it […]
Tag: newsletter

In a previous post, I talked about traditional publishing and vanity publishing (once the only two options), with hybrid publishing now filling the space between. Hybrid publishing is a combination of the two, with varying options for a book author. Hybrid Publishing A common term for this ever-evolving assortment of book publishing options is hybrid […]
There is no single path to becoming a better writer. Instead, we have a myriad of options before us. Here are some of the opportunities I encountered on my writing journey: Write Columns Early on I contributed articles to a small newsletter (back when newsletters were still mailed). Having a deadline to hit each month […]
I receive many email newsletters and would like to read them, but usually, I don’t. The reason is they aren’t user-friendly. Here’s how they frustrate me. But there are newsletters I will read—assuming they have relevant information that interests me. Good email newsletters are self-contained within the email. This might mean they can be read […]
Capture Email Addresses
A key to using your website as a book-selling, platform-building tool is to capture email addresses. You will use these email addresses to regularly communicate with your followers, such as through a monthly newsletter. Keep them up-to-date on your writing and share interesting or helpful content. Then, when your book is ready, let them know. […]
Last week I blogged about Robin Mellom, an author whose YA (young adult) writing I really like, but she didn’t have a second YA book for me to buy. Though I could periodically check her author page on Amazon or her website, I know in reality I will soon forget, missing news of her next […]
My Writing Goals for 2013
Last year, I posted my writing goals for 2012. They were: How did I do? My dissertation was finished and approved and my website was completely overhauled. I did complete the draft of one book (though not the one I intended) and started book two. Though I have had some informal interaction with agents, I […]