Healthcare Call Centers

The Cost of Healthcare Reform

This week I received my quarterly health insurance bill.  Boy, was I in for a shock.  It showed a 49% increase in my premium. Convinced it was in error, I naively called the company’s call center to get it corrected.  The rep was nonchalant about the whole thing, acting as though a 49% increase was […]

Writing and Publishing

The AWOL Blogger is Back

It’s been two weeks since my last blog and some are wondering what happened.  This is the longest span of non-blog-activity that I have encountered since I began walking down this path. It’s not that I’ve run out of ideas; I have plenty: from the rabbits in my yard, to Super Bowl ads, to the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Call Centers Can Aid in Healthcare Reform

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I’ve spent most of my adult life in call center related vocations. I’ve worked in call centers and for a call center vendor, did consulting for call centers, audited call centers, wrote about call centers, and publish magazines, newsletters, and websites about call centers. Call centers are a vital part […]

Writing and Publishing

Do You Tweet?

Are you into Twitter?  Do you tweet? Twitter, by the way, is self-billed as a “social messaging utility.”   I prefer an alternate description as a “micro-blogging service.” Frankly, it’s been a challenge for me to keep these blog posts under my self-imposed limit of 300 words (this one stands at 278), so I can’t fathom […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Google Tracks Flu Trends

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Google claims to know about flu outbreaks two weeks before the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) — really. It’s an amazingly simple, yet elegant solution.  Aggregating their vast database of user searches, Google has determined that they can predict and report on a flu outbreak up to […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Google Trumps the CDC

By Peter DeHaan, PhD Google announced that it knows about flu outbreaks before the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) — really. It’s an amazingly simple, yet elegant solution. Using their vast database of user searches, Google has determined that they can predict and report on a flu outbreak up to two weeks […]

Call Center

Robo Calling Should Screech to a Halt

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Are you fed up with receiving “robo” (pre-recorded) calls? Last year, in an effort to curb their use and appease public outrage, our elected officials required that an opt-out option be present on all pre-recorded calls.  Unfortunately, it was deemed both cumbersome and ineffective in curtailing the unwanted intrusions. One […]