Writing and Publishing

What Are Your Writing Goals?

Although I do not make New Year’s resolutions, I do set annual goals. (The two are different, but I won’t go into that here.) I set personal goals, spiritual goals, financial goals, and writing goals. Not only do I form new goals, but I also review last year’s goals. Last year, I made four writing […]

Call Center

Will You Help Us?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As we start a new year at Connections Magazine, I have a favor to ask you. I don’t do this lightly, and it is important. If you enjoy reading Connections, I know you’ll do whatever you can. Here’s the background: Connections is an advertiser-supported magazine. That means the revenue from […]


Top Writing Posts for 2013

Check out my top writing posts from last year. The comments are still open, so feel free to add to the discussion. The top twelve posts for Byline in 2013 are:

Writing and Publishing

Are You Taking a Writing Break for the Holidays?

In past posts, I’ve encouraged writers to write every day and write with intention. So if we should write with intention every day, does this mean we can’t take breaks? Although we shouldn’t stray from our planned writing schedule too often, it’s equally unwise to stick to our plan with unwavering commitment. Just as most […]


Check Your Email to Close More Sales

Don’t Lose Leads from Inaction or Oversight By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I once sent out an email to 156 salespeople to verify some information they had submitted to my company. This information was for a printed directory to connect potential buyers to them. There was no charge for the listing. Several of those email […]

Writing and Publishing

The Highs and Lows of Writing

This week at our writer’s group, one of our newer members wondered if she was really a writer. “I read my piece one day and thought it was good, and the next day it seemed rotten.” We all nodded. Not that we thought her piece wasn’t any good but because we knew those feelings all […]

Writing and Publishing

Long Live the Printed Word

For all the hype about e-books and e-readers, along with news coverage about brick-and-mortar bookstores closing, it may come as a surprise that more printed books are still being consumed than e-books. Though a tipping point may soon come, the printed word still reigns. Despite this trend towards digital, there will always be a place […]

Telephone Answering Service

The New TAS Trader Coming in 2014

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As TAS Trader wraps up its fifth year, many changes have occurred since our launch in early 2009. As an industry, we’ve seen a great deal of consolidation. Although it’s just a guess, I suspect the number of telephone answering services in the United States now stands at about 50 […]

Writing and Publishing

How to Format Your Submission

I recently spoke at a writers conference, and one question during my Q&A surprised me: What’s the proper way to format a submission? Having read thousands of submissions, I can firmly state that while poor writing is the quickest way to have your work dismissed. Poor formatting is the second quickest way and also the […]

Writing and Publishing

Publishing a Book Versus Earning a PhD

I once read that people have more respect for someone who has published a book than someone with a Ph.D. I don’t understand why, but I agree that’s what many folks think. In fact, I’ll go one step further and state that publishing aside, people have more respect for someone who has written a book […]