Writing and Publishing

Analyzing Email Bounce Rate Statistics

A few years ago I came across some statistics in DM News that puzzled me. They shared some numbers on email bounce rates, courtesy of MailerMailer. But they did so without explanation. I jotted them down for future consideration. They noted that when delivering an email message to our listless than once a month, the […]

Telephone Answering Service

Should Your TAS Pursue a Niche Strategy?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD There is nothing wrong with being a generalist, but if you are a broad-based telephone answering service, you might decide to grow your business by pursuing strategic niches. But how do you determine which niches to pursue? Look at the types of accounts you currently handle. Do you see any […]

Writing and Publishing

When Your Post Goes Viral: 4 Tips For Survival

As writers we all want more people to see what we write, right? If we have a book, we want more people to buy it, and if we blog we want more people to read it and comment, right? Be careful. Last week I heard about two bloggers whose posts went viral. The first case […]


Finding a Good Manager

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD “I need to find a good manager.” This statement is simple, and its occurrence too common. I’ve heard it many times over the years and have experienced it firsthand. Despite the straightforward nature of this basic need, its successful conclusion is anything but easy. Quite simply, if you make the […]

Writing and Publishing

Three Tips to Increase Email Success

As part of my publishing business, I send email messages to magazine subscribers on behalf of our advertisers. This is one of the services we provide. It’s commonly called e-blasts, but it’s just a different twist on email marketing. I’ve done this for several years and have tracked vastly different response rates depending on the […]

Writing and Publishing

Writers Need Discipline and Focus

Two weeks ago I listed my writing-related work for the week. It was exhaustive—both to live it and to list it. I ended by saying that I needed to cut some non-essential tasks from my life. Though I have a list of possible items to eliminate, I have yet to make any fundamental corrections. Another […]

Writing and Publishing

4 Tips to Capitalize on Social Media

It seems many authors are putting all of their book marketing efforts into social media. This is often shortsighted and not cost-effective. Discover how to capitalize on social media. It seems many authors are putting all of their book marketing efforts into social media. This is often shortsighted and not cost-effective. Though I’m not dismissing […]

Writing and Publishing

Writing Blog Posts In Advance

Last week’s post was long, my longest ever on this blog. It was far longer than my goal of 200 to 300 words and beyond my limit of 500. Today’s post will make up for that. It will be short. When I started blogging, I’d sit down and write a post whenever I had time […]

Writing and Publishing

Seven Marketing Touches Are Required for Success

Marketing experts say it takes an average of seven marketing touches before a consumer buys a product. Advertisers who run a couple of ads and give up are giving up too quickly. As writers with a book (or service) to sell, we need to keep this in mind if we want to maximize our success. […]

Writing and Publishing

What Was Your Week Like?

Regular readers of this blog know that I write every day. Another goal I have is to spend weekday mornings writing and afternoons working (which involves some more writing). I seldom realize that goal, but I am moving in that direction. Then in the evenings, when my schedule permits, I work on my platform. Again, this […]