
Dealing with Change

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Change happens. And the rate of change seems to be accelerating. We experience change at home, at work, and in our community. Change happens in our country and around the world. When considering change, there are three general truths: change is opposed, change is a loss, and change is mourned: […]

Writing and Publishing

Three Reasons Why Everyone Likes Anthologies

An anthology is a collection of selected writings by various authors. It seems anthologies are popular. Why is that? Readers Enjoy Bite-Sized Passages in Anthologies Anthologies focus on a theme, but within that subject, each author’s work is usually independent of the other contributors. Each chapter or section contains an autonomous thought. There’s no storyline […]

Call Center

Are You Addicted to Email?

Imagine you’re in a nondescript room, sitting in a circle with a bunch of strangers, waiting for a meeting to begin.Finally, it is time start and one of the strangers hesitantly confesses: “My name is Fred, and I’m addicted to…email.” Does this strike you as humorous or do you see a bit of yourself in […]

Telephone Answering Service

Scheduling Answering Service Staff for Holidays

When Historical Data Can’t Predict Call Traffic, We Need to Guess By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last week we celebrated Independence Day in the United States. With it happening on a Wednesday, it threw a lot of people off. I included. When July Fourth occurs on a weekend, there’s little impact on normal business activity. […]

Writing and Publishing

The Nine Errors of Self-Publishing

For the past two months, I’ve blogged about the nine self-publishing errors. My list isn’t comprehensive, but it’s a great starting point. Nine Self-Publishing Errors When you self-publish your next book, be sure to review these items. I know I will.

Call Center

Chatbots Should Learn from the Errors of IVR

Chatbots Could Follow the Path of IVR, a Once-promising Technology That Earned Customer Ire through Poor Implementation By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I don’t often use web chat because I find a phone call is faster and more thorough. Recently I made an exception and learned a valuable lesson. The email said that my new […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Work-At-Home Option for Medical Call Centers

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Some healthcare call centers embrace the work-at-home option, while others are categorically against it. Let’s explore the pros and cons of using home-based agents, along with the potential risks of embracing or dismissing this option. Benefits of Home-Based Agents There are two primary reasons to use home-based agents to staff […]

Writing and Publishing

The Ninth Error of Self-Publishing: Publishing Too Soon

In the Rush to Publish We Run the Risk of Sharing Our Words Before They’re Ready The final error of self-publishing for us to look at his publishing too soon. Too many authors frustrated over not being able to get a traditional book deal or find an agent make the mistake of jumping into self-publishing […]

Writing and Publishing

The Eighth Error of Self-Publishing: Failure to Follow Conventions

There are certain standards established publishers follow. Though these conventions may seem arbitrary, a failure to follow them could make your book stand out in a bad way. For example: Aside from issues of spelling for the last two items, I don’t know why or how these things became expected—or who decided on them in […]

Writing and Publishing

The Seventh Error of Self-Publishing: Having a Homemade Look

To address the seventh of eight self-publishing errors, let’s take a step back. Let’s look at the bigger picture, that is, the book as a whole. Don’t self-published a book that looks homemade. In years past, this may have included photocopied pages, a simplistic cover, spiral binding (or three-hole punched for a binder), 8 1/2 […]