Writing and Publishing

Introduction to WordPress

WordPress has two versions: hosted and self-hosted. Serious writers recommend self-hosting. But beginners can opt for the hosted version. Here is a basic introduction to WordPress: The hosted version of WordPress ( is easy to learn and use. It also has minimal features. The self-hosted version of WordPress ( is highly flexible and rich in […]

Writing and Publishing

Microsoft Word Alternatives

Writers often seek options for word processing software, either to save money, increase functionality, or both. Many writers extol the virtues of Scrivener for content creation, especially novelists. It costs much less than Microsoft Word and, since Scrivener is designed for writers, it has powerful features that creatives crave. Another option of increasing popularity is […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Stand Out: Define Your Distinguishing Difference

Discover What Makes Your Call Center Unique  By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. What does your healthcare contact center stand for? How do you stand out in an industry with many options? Understanding who you are is the first step to determining your distinctive characteristics. But why does this matter?  This is important because when you […]

Writing and Publishing

Find Time to Read

Writers need to read, but how do we find time to read? This is a constant struggle. For me, it often comes down to deciding between watching TV and reading. Sometimes TV wins and other times reading wins. Often this hinges on how good the book is and how badly I want to watch a […]

Writing and Publishing

Seven Writer Improvement Tips

Do you want to improve as a writer? I do. Here are the things I’m currently pursuing to get better: Although improvement only creeps forward, these steps move me in the right direction. May they do the same for you.

Telephone Answering Service

Moving Toward a New Normal for Telephone Answering Services

We Should Assume We’ll Never Return to Business as Usual By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As the telephone answering service industry responded to an unexpected, pandemic-induced spike in call traffic coupled with some workers reluctant to come to the office, changes occurred out of necessity. Many services looked to address this two-pronged threat by pursuing […]

Writing and Publishing

Article Submission Tips

Here are the key article submission tips on submitting an article to a publication. Know the Publication or Website Read their past content. As you do, envision if your idea is a good fit. If not, don’t force it. Seek a different topic or a different outlet. Look for Submission Guidelines Find their submission guidelines […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Now Is the Ideal Time to Consider What Happens Next

While Still in the Pandemic Begin Planning for Post-Pandemic By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. During the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare call centers stepped up to take a more prominent role to facilitate patient-facing communications. Though a few missteps may have occurred along the way as they forged into the unknown, overall they met the challenge facing […]

Writing and Publishing

Should You Expect Submission Feedback?

Many writers wish editors, agents, and publishers would give feedback when they reject a submission, but they don’t. As a writer, I share this frustration. As a publisher, I know the reason why they don’t provide submission feedback. After trying in vain to give writers feedback and wasting way too much time in the process, […]

Call Center

Coronavirus Communication

Seek Balance in Your Customer-Facing Messaging By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It seems cliché to say it, but we live in an unprecedented time. We don’t have a roadmap on how to navigate this crisis we’re in. Responses to this pandemic vary, with some overreacting and others being dismissive. We need balance in our response, […]