
Beware the Ever-Changing Fine Print

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I once received a 17-page booklet from my credit card provider covering their revised “customer agreement.”  They mailed it under the guise of good customer service, but I’m sure that buried somewhere inside is a policy change that will effect me.  However, I don’t have the time or interest to […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Have It Your Way

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The Ford Model T was available in only one color. Henry Ford reportedly quipped, “You can have any color, as long as it’s black.” His assembly-line production method changed the way cars were made and introduced a predicable consistency, standardizing the manufacturing process. It was a trait that was highly […]


Tips on Responding to the Woes of Direct Mail

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As I’ve read the responses (more correctly, the “outrage”) from the direct mail industry to the proposed USPS postage rate increase, I try to put myself in their situation. I would be frustrated too. Like them, I would cut back on mailings, like them I would think about putting more effort […]

Call Center

Call Centers in Action: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Even the simplest of transactions often intersect with the call center. My family’s recent switch of television content providers presented five such interactions – with varying results. The Prequel: This saga began over three years ago. (See my article, “Anything for a Sale.”)  To recap, my wife and I decided […]


Three Keys to Capitalize on Advertising’s Compound Interest

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In his article, Advertising’s Compound Interest, Jim Gustafson discusses advertising effectiveness. He correctly states: All advertising mediums can be effective when used properly and consistently. However, no advertising is worth the investment if you just shotgun it or try it a short time. The Right Medium The first key is […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Your Call Center’s Role in a Disaster

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few years ago, Dr. Maurice A. Ramirez recommended “Five Questions to Ask Your Hospital Before Disaster Strikes.”  Be it a natural disaster, a manmade catastrophe, a terrorist attack, a pandemic, or any other large-scale emergency, it is critical for all medical personnel to be trained and ready, including the […]


They Just Don’t Get It

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I wonder if my local phone company is clueless; it seems that they just don’t get it. By “it,” I mean everything: marketing, pricing, customer retention, technical support, and customer service. Although they are surely aware that they no longer function in a monopoly environment, their actions belie that reality. […]

Call Center

A Failure to Communicate

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD You don’t need to spend much time in a call center before you realize that people who work there enjoy sharing anecdotes about the calls they’ve handled. This is a positive pastime, as it establishes community, provides a safe outlet, and builds a collective understanding. (The parallel activity of venting […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Peter’s Law of Reciprocity: The Key to Successfully Attending a Convention

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Over the years, I’ve attended numerous conventions, trade shows, expos, and conferences. Often, my role is that of a reporter and photographer. Sometimes I’m there to make a presentation, others times as an exhibitor, and occasionally as an attendee. For each of these functions, there are certain requisite steps needed […]

Call Center

When a Telemarketing Call Fails…

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I am the first to appreciate and embrace well-done and smartly executed outbound calling. I am also highly critical of and greatly annoyed by poorly executed telemarketing efforts. Another example for this latter perspective arrived at my office today, courtesy of my telephone. The call went like this: “May I […]