
Put the Customer First

Achieve Better Outcomes by Making the Prospect a Priority By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I put off buying things. It’s not because I procrastinate (at least not too much), don’t like making decisions, or don’t want to spend money. Sadly, the reason I often avoid buying what I want or need is simply because it’s […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Proper Care and Feeding of Home-Based Agents

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The label “call center” amuses me. First, most healthcare call centers process more than just calls, embracing many forms of communication. Second, call centers are becoming decentralized. The ironic truth is that a decentralized call center is an oxymoron. This decentralization of the call center was first manifested by linking […]

Call Center

“They Don’t Know We Exist”

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Getting my annual income tax return done is one of my most dreaded tasks. Though I keep good records, plan ahead, and take a conservative approach, “tax season” is a source of personal anxiety and trepidation. As I organized this year’s batch of requisite documents for my accountant, I stumbled […]

Writing and Publishing

My First Poetry Contest

A couple of weeks ago, I did something I never expected I would do. I impulsively entered a poetry contest. Yep, that’s correct. A decidedly non-poet entered a poetry contest. One of the blogs I follow (and highly recommend for all writers) is Rachelle Gardner‘s. On March 16 Rachelle posted a quick haiku writing contest […]


Peter DeHaan Publishing Named a Constant Contact 2011 All-Star

For Second Time, Email Marketer Is Recognized for Achieving Exemplary Marketing Results Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc received the 2011 All Star Award from Constant Contact® Inc, the trusted marketing advisor to more than half a million small organizations worldwide. Each year, a select group of Constant Contact customers are honored with the All Star Award […]

Writing and Publishing

Why You Should Record Every Speech

Part of the writers gig is public speaking. You may aspire to this or you may shun it, but regardless, you the author will upon occasion be asked to make an oral presentation. When you do, be sure to record it. Just as you need to save everything you write and keep all your edits, […]

Writing and Publishing

Why You Should Save Writing That You Don’t Use

Last week I shared my dismay over not saving all of my past work. Our past writing has potential value—be it for personal edification or for future projects—but in order to tap that value, we need to keep it. Taking that thought one step further, I also see the need to save our writing that […]


Peter DeHaan Gives Keynote Address at SNUG Convention

Peter Lyle DeHaan, the publisher of Connections Magazine and TAS Trader, gave the keynote address at the recent SNUG (Startel Network Users Group) convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which was held March 11-14. Peter focused his address on the theme of “how to get the most out of this convention.” He encouraged people to share […]

Writing and Publishing

Why You Should Save All Your Writing

It’s disconcerting to admit, but I’ve been writing for 40 years. (Would you believe me if I said I started at birth? I didn’t think so.) Much of my early work has been forever lost. This includes school assignments, teenage angst-poetry, and short stories. While there would not be much of worth in that batch—and […]

Writing and Publishing

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Yesterday, March 2, was Dr. Seuss’s birthday. His full name was Theodor Seuss Geisel. He was born in 1904. Dr. was part of his pen name and not an actual credential. But when you’re writing children’s books, is a Ph.D. really needed? Dr. Seuss’s work is timeless, capturing the hearts and imagination of each successive […]