Writing and Publishing

2012 Festival of Faith and Writing Conference

Last weekend I attended the Festival of Faith and Writing conference. It was in Grand Rapids at Calvin College. With 2,000 in attendance, it is by far the largest writing conference I’ve attended. At three days in length, it is also the longest. There were sixty presenters and since I am currently working on two […]


Peter DeHaan Attends 2012 Festival of Faith and Writing Conference

Peter DeHaan attended the recent Festival of Faith and Writing conference held at Calvin College in Grand Rapids Michigan on April 19 through 21. The three-day event was attended by 2,000 from across the United States and around the world; it featured 64 presenters. At the Festival, attendees were treated to an array of presentations […]

Writing and Publishing

What’s Your Life Story — in 150 Words?

The Reader’s Digest recently asked readers to submit their life story—in 150 words or less. With over 6,000 submissions, Facebook followers voted and RD picked the best from the top 100. The winners are all excellent. If I had to pick my favorite, I’d go with “A Meaningless Diagnosis” or perhaps “I’ve Got Dirt: Memoirs […]


Why Agents Should Stop Selling and Start Serving

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I needed to order some ink cartridges for my printer — the kind I can only buy directly from the vendor. There was a problem with the website, so I picked up the phone to place my order. I told the agent I wanted to order two black ink cartridges. […]

Writing and Publishing

My First Writers’ Retreat

A few years ago, I attended my first writers’ retreat, not a writers’ conference or a writers’ seminar, but a writers’ retreat. For twenty-four hours we immersed ourselves in writing. There were times of instruction and teaching, as well as food and fun, along with a bit of sleep, but the focus was on writing. […]

Writing and Publishing

What to Look for in a Critique Partner

A friend asked what to look for in finding someone to critique her work. If you are looking for feedback on bits and pieces of your work in progress (WIP) or various writings, most established critique groups should be a fine fit. However, critique groups are not well suited to provide a critical review of […]


Put the Customer First

Achieve Better Outcomes by Making the Prospect a Priority By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I put off buying things. It’s not because I procrastinate (at least not too much), don’t like making decisions, or don’t want to spend money. Sadly, the reason I often avoid buying what I want or need is simply because it’s […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Proper Care and Feeding of Home-Based Agents

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The label “call center” amuses me. First, most healthcare call centers process more than just calls, embracing many forms of communication. Second, call centers are becoming decentralized. The ironic truth is that a decentralized call center is an oxymoron. This decentralization of the call center was first manifested by linking […]

Call Center

“They Don’t Know We Exist”

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Getting my annual income tax return done is one of my most dreaded tasks. Though I keep good records, plan ahead, and take a conservative approach, “tax season” is a source of personal anxiety and trepidation. As I organized this year’s batch of requisite documents for my accountant, I stumbled […]

Writing and Publishing

My First Poetry Contest

A couple of weeks ago, I did something I never expected I would do. I impulsively entered a poetry contest. Yep, that’s correct. A decidedly non-poet entered a poetry contest. One of the blogs I follow (and highly recommend for all writers) is Rachelle Gardner‘s. On March 16 Rachelle posted a quick haiku writing contest […]