Telephone Answering Service

Telephone Answering Service Valuation Methodology

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Determining an appropriate valuation for a telephone answering service (TAS) looms as a challenging task, one that many outside the industry don’t fully appreciate. This paper details TAS distinctives and explains how to best determine the value of a TAS. EBITDA A common valuation method for most businesses is to […]

Telephone Answering Service

Celebrate the Telephone

The TAS Industry Centers on a Readily Understood, Universal, and Reliable Technology By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Telephone answering services handle thousands of telephone calls every day. The majority are incoming calls that come from clients’ customers and prospects. The rest are outgoing calls made for clients. With the continual use of the telephone at […]

Call Center

Call Center: The Wrong Way

By Peter Lyle DeHaan I selected on an internet firm to file my trademark application for my new publication, TAS Trader. After a perfunctory phone call to remove concerns over their viability, I submitted my information online. This set in motion a series of email communiqués with their “trademark team” that became increasingly frustrating, lacking […]

Call Center

A Tale of Two Calls

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Among other things, my son Dan is a hockey player. We’ll never know if there was any connection, but this past summer he began experiencing lower back pain. The common advice to “take it easy and rest” was not helping, so we embarked on a more intentional course of action, […]