By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Conference planners sometimes ask me to sit on a panel. The common format is that each panelist makes an initial presentation, followed by a Q&A. Other times the presentations are longer, with no time for questions. Most of my panel experiences have not been positive. For my first one, my […]
Tag: sales and marketing
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I often share customer service stories in this column. While I prefer to pass on examples of excellence, they are harder to spot than service gone awry. Even so, I try not to let these tales become a rant but instead offer helpful information in an interesting way. As my […]
The Ideal Follow-up Strategy

Strive to Help Each Prospect By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Once I researched some software that promised to streamline my publishing business and integrate operations, as well as provide me with new tools. Given all this, I suspected it would be pricey. But why not dream a little? It wouldn’t hurt to get prices. I […]
Check Your Email to Close More Sales
Don’t Lose Leads from Inaction or Oversight By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I once sent out an email to 156 salespeople to verify some information they had submitted to my company. This information was for a printed directory to connect potential buyers to them. There was no charge for the listing. Several of those email […]
How Do Your Prospects Perceive You?
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD When my office phone rings, I don’t want to answer it. This may seem odd coming from someone who has spent three decades in the call center industry, experiencing it from almost every angle. Though there are multiple root causes, the primary reason is that these calls are seldom welcome. […]
Channel Inconsistency
Frustration Abounds When Details Differ Between the Store, Online, and Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Every two years my family and I upgrade our cell phones. This isn’t because we want the newest model. It’s because we seek the lowest cost. Since each provider offers better deals to new customers than existing ones, […]
Want More Sales? Check Your Email
Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD If it’s your job to obtain clients for your call center, I have a secret technique to increase your closing ratio and success rate: check your email. Seriously. I suspect that there’s a better than even chance that you are missing leads, spurning prospects, and losing sales – all because of […]
When Shall I Check Back With You?
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few months ago, I was doing research on software designed specifically for periodical publishers. The general promise was that this class of software would streamline and integrate operations, as well as provide the ability to offer new services. With all its promises and pretension, I suspected that it would […]
Check Your Email
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How do you regard email? Is it something that you can’t live without, a necessary evil, or somewhere in between? At Connections Magazine, email is a critical tool that we use to communicate with readers, advertisers, and each other. Without it, our ability to put out this magazine would come […]
Anything for a Sale
Closing a Sale but Alienating a New Customer in the Process Is Bad Business By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Back when my family had an entertainment subscription (aka cable TV), a new network launched, and we wanted to watch its shows. I wondered if my provider would offer it, but repeated contacts to our provider via […]