Telephone Answering Service

Don’t Forget SEO for Your Website

Your Website Isn’t Finished Until It’s Optimized for Search Engines  By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD If you have a website for your answering service, I suspect you’ve heard of search engine optimization (SEO). It’s a critical component of every website, assuming you want people to find you. SEO means that the content of your site […]


Save a Tree

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In 2010, on a mailed statement, there was a notice that “for every 13 people who go paperless, one tree can be saved.” Really? What does that mean? None of these explanations makes sense. The first two would not save much paper, while the last two contain too much variability to […]


Peter’s Law of Reciprocity

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Too many people have a self-centered, protective attitude about knowledge. They want to receive information but are guarded, paranoid, or even disingenuous about sharing it. This is shortsighted; it is truly better to give than to receive. In this regard, I’ve developed a principle to guide me. I called it, […]

Writing and Publishing

A Traditional Published Author Needs to Be an Entrepreneur

Just like their self-published counterparts, a traditionally published author has much to do besides writing In the last post, I pointed out that self-published authors need to be entrepreneurs and listed what that entailed. The reality is that a traditionally published author needs to adopt this same mindset, being entrepreneurial as well. A given requirement […]

Writing and Publishing

Removing Ads from Websites

Ads on Websites As part of their business plan, places advertising on your site so they can offset the cost of them offering it to you for free. If you upgrade to a Premium plan, they will remove the ads and provide extra features. Here is a link that explains it: While […]

Writing and Publishing

Self-Published Authors Need to be Entrepreneurs

Being a self-published author requires a lot of hard work but offers great rewards In the rapidly changing world of book publishing, an emerging reality is that a self-published author needs to be ab entrepreneur. Writing a great book is not enough; penning compelling content is only the first step. Authors who desire to self-publish […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Retain Staff by Establishing Their Growth Potential

Increase Employee Tenure by Showing Them Their Future with Your Organization By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In considering the five tips to better retain call center staff, we’ve looked at agent compensation, agent benefits, and learning situations. Now we’ll address providing staff with employee growth potential opportunities.  With your employees learning enhanced work skills, don’t […]

Writing and Publishing

The Key Consideration in Self-Publishing Versus Traditional Publishing

In the past few weeks, I covered the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self-publishing (sometimes called indie publishing). I strove to be fair in comments and balanced in my coverage. Here are the four posts: Where do I stand on this? Will I seek a traditional publisher or go the indie-publishing route? Is […]


Email Insanity

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Several years ago, I ordered an inversion table online. Part of the ordering process was to give them my email address. Once they had my email address, they did the logical thing and began sending me email messages. One or two of them were offers for complementary health devices and exercise equipment, […]

Telephone Answering Service

Consider Content Marketing for Your Answering Service

Provide Valuable Information Your Clients and Prospects Will Appreciate  By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD In past columns, we looked at how to make your answering service website stand out and the main pages every site should have. Now let’s switch our focus to content. You know what to put on your homepage, services, get started, […]