We Only Get One Body and We Must Respect It Too many people in our world today pack their lives full of activity. They treat busyness as a badge of accomplishment. They sacrifice to achieve and receive admiration. In doing so, they neglect their physical well-being. Their body suffers, but they push health aside in […]
Cleaning Up with Advertising Jerry Pelzer started Commercial Cleaning and Restoration Services as a one-man company, so he was seldom in the office when the phone rang. After his old answering machine died, he realized he needed a reliable voicemail system. “The voicemail was sound and functional,” recalled Jerry. “It gave me peace of mind […]
With rain pouring down, Jerry Tresman and his wife, Mindy, looked in horror at the water rushing into the basement crock that held their sump pump. The water was rising. Running continuously the pump couldn’t keep up. In minutes the water would surely overflow, flooding their newly finished basement. Jerry grabbed some pails. Bending over […]
Be Present
Honor People by Prioritizing Them over Technology Many years ago, back when smartphones first entered the workforce, I attended an industry convention. I wanted to be present in the moment. I sat at a round table with nine others to eat lunch. The keynote address would soon follow. As each attendee at my table finished […]
The Advance of Call Center Technology By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The first issue of AnswerStat magazine rolled off the presses many years ago. Since then much has changed. Call center technology has advanced, customer expectations have expanded, hiring and training practices have evolved, and new service opportunities have emerged. The Internet exploded into a […]
Successful Operations Require Intentional Effort By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most everyone who works in off-site customer service knows the importance of having a strong call center team. This is, perhaps, nowhere more important than in the healthcare industry, where a call center sometimes faces the life and death situations of its patients. Though a […]
Reduce Customer Churn
Key Strategies for Retaining Business and Preventing Defections By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Businesses focus on sales and marketing efforts to grow their operation and make a profit. But before they can accomplish these goals, they must first make enough sales to offset the business they’ve lost. To make this easier, wise leaders seek to […]
The Ideal Follow-Up Strategy
Strive to Help Each Prospect By Peter Lyle DeHaan What is the ideal follow-up strategy? Consider these examples and then apply them to your sales and marketing efforts. Once I researched some software that promised to streamline my publishing business and integrate operations, as well as provide me with new tools. Given all this, I […]
Two Main Types of AI
Not All Versions of Artificial Intelligence are the Same By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD There are two types of AI (artificial intelligence). The most recent version of AI is generative AI. Contrast this to predictive AI, also called regular AI, non-generative AI, or analytical AI. For simplicity, we’ll refer to all these alternate labels as […]
Make an Informed Decision about Implementing AI By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD You’re no doubt tired of hearing about artificial intelligence (AI). You probably also realize that AI is not another trend that will disappear and fade into history. Call center AI is a persistent technology that’s here to stay. Everyone, it seems, has an […]