Writing and Publishing

Five Tips to Better and Faster Writing

My friend, an auto-mechanic, shared a story about his co-worker who was assigned a difficult repair that should have taken twenty-two hours, but it took him much longer. The next time the same job came in, he volunteered for it, this time finishing it quicker. Soon, every one of these repairs went to him.

Each time, he did it faster, not by cutting corners, but through increased efficiency and greater familiarity with the process. Eventually, he could complete this twenty-two-hour repair in less than one day. Plus, he actually improved the quality of his work, making fewer errors and learning how to better deal with potential problems.

The same applies to write. With practice, we can write better and faster. Here’s how:

  • Embrace Repetition: The key is to write every day or at least with scheduled regularity. With repetition comes improved quality and increased speed. Ask a journalist; they know.
  • Specialize: Just like this mechanic, who sought to do this one job every time he could, we do it by writing in one genre. At the very least, a group like tasks together. For example, I often write two or three blog posts at one time or do book reviews back to back—and with better, faster results.
  • Work Smart: Have all your writing tools and resources available. Know what to expect and be ready. Remove distractions. Set boundaries with others, both those physically present and those who can invade your writing world with a phone call, text, or email.
  • Focus: When it’s time to write, do you just start writing or ease into it? Don’t check email first, login to social media, get sidetracked when doing research, or watch TV to get ideas flowing. Write first; do other things later.
  • Reward Yourself: The mechanic was paid according to the time the job was supposed to take, not his actual time. More money was his reward. In the same way, each time we finish a job, we need to reward ourselves. Don’t push into the next project right away; that leads to burnout. Instead, celebrate each accomplishment or give yourself a small reward. That makes us more ready to jump into the next task.

What tips do you have to write better or faster?

Learn more about writing and publishing in Peter’s book: Successful Author FAQs: Discover the Art of Writing, the Business of Publishing, and the Joy of Wielding Words. Get your copy today.

Peter Lyle DeHaan is an author, blogger, and publisher with over 30 years of writing and publishing experience. Check out his book Successful Author FAQs for insider tips and insights.

4 replies on “Five Tips to Better and Faster Writing”

I need to find a room of my own. My son moved out a year and a half ago. I was up there this morning, thinking about how I could make it my writing room. His bed is still in ti, so he will have bed to sleep when he comes to visit, but with a little planning, I could find a comfortable chair and a table or desk. hmmmm….

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