Writing and Publishing

Should You Write a Book or Blog?

Many writers starting out try to blog and write a book at the same time. They end up doing neither one well. Or they try to write a book before they’re ready. Then they end up with something not suitable for publication, waste a lot of time, and endure much frustration. That assumes they finish […]

Writing and Publishing

Finding Time to Write

Finding time to write is a dilemma most writers face at one time or another. Maybe all writers do. I think the problem, however, is in the question. We don’t need to find time to write as much as we need to make time. We each have 24 hours in our day. While work and […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Review Your Website

Plan to Evaluate Your Online Information and Make Sure It’s Up to Date By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD For the past 25 years I’ve worked on my own websites, designing them, posting content, and keeping them up to date. Sometimes I break them too; then I get to fix my mistakes. I currently have ten […]

Writing and Publishing

Receiving Feedback

One thing that has most helped me improve as a writer is receiving feedback from others. It is critical. This feedback has mostly come from critique groups but also from beta readers and paid professionals. This last category is costly but invaluable. Regardless of the source, the key is figuring out which feedback to apply, […]

Writing and Publishing

Tips for Ghostwriting Books

I’ve ghostwritten a couple of books and enjoyed doing so. The payment is almost always a fixed rate, paid in installments. The first payment is required to start the work, and the final payment is due when the writer submits the finished product to the author. (The person who hires you is the author—you are […]

Telephone Answering Service

What Does Your Website Do for You?

Make the Most of Your Online Presence to Better Serve Customers and Grow Your Business By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Does your telephone answering service have a website? I hope so. What does your website do for your business? Over the years, I’ve seen a wide range of TAS websites, from severely lacking to impressively […]

Writing and Publishing

Six Downsides of Self-Publishing

In my post “Five Reasons a Writer Should Self-Publish,” I listed several advantages of self-publishing. Although compelling, there are also downsides. Let’s also look at the downsides of self-publishing. Consider These Six Downsides of Self-Publishing: 1. Quality is Often Lacking Traditional publishers put their books through several rounds of editing to produce the best possible […]

Writing and Publishing

Five Reasons a Writer Should Pursue a Traditional Publishing Deal

The Benefits of Going with a Traditional Publisher In “Why Self-publishing vs Traditional Publishing Doesn’t Matter” I pointed out that both options have the potential to satisfy the core needs of a writer seeking publication. Writers must carefully consider the pros and cons of each option before pursuing either one. Future posts will consider some […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Cross Channel Training

Consider the Optimum Strategy for Your Contact Center Staff By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. At one time call centers handled calls and nothing else. They had one channel. That was it. Now most call centers handle more than just telephone calls. They’ve become multichannel. Contact center is a better name for them. Along with phone […]

Writing and Publishing

WordPress Primer: Seven Tips to Get Started Right and Minimize Confusion

I recently posted a series on getting started using WordPress for your blog or website. In case you missed some of them, here are the seven posts: Setting up a blog is just the first step; the next one is coming up with great content and presenting it in the best way possible. Therefore, I […]