Writing and Publishing

5 Benefits of Blogging

Generating blog posts helps writers grow in the craft of writing and publishing content

I’ve been blogging since 2008 and have written over 1,600 posts for my blogs. That’s close to half a million words and more hours than I care to admit. Why do I do it?

That’s a great question, which I periodically ask myself. One reason is that I enjoy it (most of the time). Another reason is I like to share with others, offer ideas, provide encouragement, and serve them through the gift of words. Third, my blogs are part of my platform, which every author needs.

Aside from these reasons, which are all good, I also see five key benefits of blogging. As a blogger, I…

1) Learn to Meet Deadlines: To serve our community and develop a following, bloggers need to post regularly, according to a schedule. For this blog, I post every Saturday morning. Having this weekly commitment has taught me how to meet deadlines for my blogs, as well as for editors, publishers, and clients. Out of thousands of deadlines over the years, I’ve only missed a couple—and for good reasons. Having a due date spurs me to write and not let anyone down.

2) Develop a Writing Habit: Having weekly blogging commitments ensure I write regularly. While some writers bristle at the thought of writing according to a schedule, it’s made the difference for me of moving from hobbyist to professional. For this season of my life, I write every day, except for a few holidays—but even then, I manage to squeeze in some writing in the early morning. Writing is how I begin my day before I do anything else.

3) Produce Content Regularly: When a post is due and I don’t feel like writing, I write anyway or let my followers down. I can’t have that, so I write even when I don’t want to. Yes, it may take longer or require more effort to make it good, but having the ability to push through is a powerful tool to have.

4) Gain Production Speed: In the early days of my writing I’d agonize over an article, tweaking it endlessly over the span of weeks before submitting it. But with blogging, we learn to write, edit, and publish quickly. We have to. If we sit on a post, we miss a deadline. When I do work for clients, I write, edit, proofread, and submit, usually in the same sitting. Only on large, critical projects do I tarry, and then only for one day so I can give it a fresh review before I send it off.

5) Find Work: A final benefit that I didn’t expect from blogging is obtaining writing assignments and making contacts. Prospects have seen my posts and appreciated my writing style. Having checked out my blogs they have come to me and ask if I will write for them. The answer is “yes.” Even if people don’t first see my online work after we talk they check out my posts and articles before they hire me.

As I wrap up my ninth year of blogging, I’m amazed at where my journey has taken me and so appreciative of the results. Because of blogging, I am a better and more successful writer.

Learn more about writing and publishing in Peter’s book: Successful Author FAQs: Discover the Art of Writing, the Business of Publishing, and the Joy of Wielding Words. Get your copy today.

Peter Lyle DeHaan is an author, blogger, and publisher with over 30 years of writing and publishing experience. Check out his book Successful Author FAQs for insider tips and insights.
