Healthcare Call Centers

The Recession is Over, So Act Like It

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It’s official: last week it was announced that the recession is finally over in the United States.  In fact, it’s been over for more than a year!  It seems that the people who track such things wanted to be sure that we weren’t going to experience a double-dip recession, so […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Surveying Healthcare Contact Centers

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In healthcare, contact center agents provide vital care and assistance over the phone, helping patients, scheduling appointments, and making referrals, thereby saving callers time, addressing concerns, and enhancing overall care. As in all sectors, contact centers help lower customer acquisition costs, increase customer retention, save money in the provision of […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Have a Happy Summer

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I got up early this morning and, in the predawn, began pulling in cool 60-degree air into our warm home. In short order the temperature dropped seven degrees to an agreeable 70, where it stayed most of the morning. Wearing only t-shirt and shorts, I was quite comfortable. What perplexes […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Have It Your Way

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. The Ford Model T was available in only one color. Henry Ford reportedly quipped, “You can have any color, as long as it’s black.” His assembly-line production method changed the way cars were made and introduced a predicable consistency, standardizing the manufacturing process. It was a trait that was highly […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Your Call Center’s Role in a Disaster

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD A few years ago, Dr. Maurice A. Ramirez recommended “Five Questions to Ask Your Hospital Before Disaster Strikes.”  Be it a natural disaster, a manmade catastrophe, a terrorist attack, a pandemic, or any other large-scale emergency, it is critical for all medical personnel to be trained and ready, including the […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Peter’s Law of Reciprocity: The Key to Successfully Attending a Convention

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Over the years, I’ve attended numerous conventions, trade shows, expos, and conferences. Often, my role is that of a reporter and photographer. Sometimes I’m there to make a presentation, others times as an exhibitor, and occasionally as an attendee. For each of these functions, there are certain requisite steps needed […]

Healthcare Call Centers

The Healthcare Debate Continues

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As a magazine and Web site publisher, all manner of articles and press releases show up in my inbox on a daily basis.  Although some of them are carefully targeted to the markets I serve, most are widespread missives that are sent to every publisher with a pulse, regardless of […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Go for the Green

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. No, this isn’t an article about amassing quantities of cash or an allusion to pursuing an Olympic medal. Rather, it is about environmental green, specifically as related to AnswerStat magazine. Having been bitten by the ecology bug as a teenager, I have always had a favorable predisposition towards the environment […]

Healthcare Call Centers

President Obama’s Real Goal for Healthcare Reform

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD January marked a historical senate vote in Massachusetts of near epic proportions.  Essentially, this became a referendum on the President Obama’s first year in office in general and the healthcare debate in particular.  The result of the contest did not bode well for our president.  I wonder if he’s listening, […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Watch What You Bill

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. One of the common outcries emanating from the healthcare debate is the charges for services rendered. Seemingly, everyone has a story about an outrageous bill covering what he or she perceived as a relatively minor procedure, test, or visit. Although those generating the bills know the imperative need to capture […]