By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. My first full-time job was repairing copy machines. The base pay wasn’t good, but they had an incentive program. If I met their expectations, I could double my compensation. Yet despite working hard, winning customer praise, and receiving high marks on my review, I earned little of my potential bonus. […]
Category: Healthcare Call Centers
Healthcare call centers articles by Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Last month I took a trip to the ER – as a patient. It was one of the silly things; I guess that’s why they call them accidents. A series of small decisions throughout my day resulted in a final “oops” at the wrong time and…well, I’ll spare you the […]
An Interview with David Lloyd, CEO of IntelliResponse, By Peter DeHaan, Ph.D. The medical call center has seen many changes in the last few years, especially in the evolving digital and social economy. New technologies have changed the way hospitals and healthcare organizations are marketing and connecting with their main constituents. Some have been reluctant […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I recently experienced poor customer service and great customer service – on the same day, from the same organization. By choice I bank locally. My bank has a main office and two branches. For fourteen years, I’ve always banked at the same branch. When I make a deposit, I use […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD The first step to establish a change-oriented culture in your call center is to minimize employee fears about change. Employees can accept change if 1) the change is incremental or small; 2) they have a degree of input or control over the change; and 3) the change is clearly understood […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. I dread doing my annual income tax return. Not that I actually complete the forms myself, I merely need to gather the needed documents to give to my accountant. He does all the actual work. Still, tax season is a source of anxiety that I approach with much trepidation – […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Does your call center have a mission? If you don’t have a mission statement, now is the time to develop one. Start today; don’t delay. A practical mission statement will support and guide your staff; don’t let them flounder. Remember the proverb, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” […]
Follow Us on Twitter
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the last issue, I wrote about the importance of embracing social media. Regardless how you feel about it, social media is an increasingly important business enabler that should be part of your overall business strategy – whether for profit or nonprofit organizations and regardless of size. In general, social […]
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Does your call center make the caller and patient a priority? I expect it does. In fact, I suspect the phrase “quality service” is in your mission or vision statement, or even on your bulletin board. But do you actually provide quality customer service or just talk about it? Has […]
Do You Like Social Media?
By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Mention social media and people have one of three responses: “I love it,” “I can’t stand it,” or “I don’t have time.” We hear much about social media, perhaps too much, but it’s bound to continue and will occur with increasing frequency. Social media is not going away anytime soon […]