Writing and Publishing

Great Writing Quotes to Educate and Inform

We can find encouragement and instruction in reading great writing quotes Two weeks ago I asked you to share your favorite quotes about writing.  Mine was “Omit needless words.” Here are some more great writing quotes. “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write […]

Writing and Publishing

Quotes About Books and Reading

Check out these inspiring quotes about books and the value of reading I recently shared some quotes about writing, and in the past, I’ve published two other posts with quotes about writing here and here. My favorite of all these is what the Bible says about writing. Here are some quotes about books. Here are […]

Writing and Publishing

UR Turn: Favorite Writing Quotes

Quotes by writers about writing can teach, inspire and motivate us Last month we asked the question, Who’s your favorite author? This month we’ll look at what writers say about writing. What are your favorite writing quotes? My absolute favorite writing quote is the concise, exemplary advice to “Omit needless words.” It comes from the […]

Writing and Publishing

What is the One Immutable Rule of Writing?

There is only one, single decree for you to obey as you write If you spend any time at all learning about writing and working to improve your craft you will have heard all kinds of advice on what to do or not do. These are often presented as rules, incontrovertible requirements for us to […]

Writing and Publishing

Quotes About Writing From Long Ago

Here are three more quotes about writing to offer us encouragement and perspective:

Writing and Publishing

Seven Quotes About Writing

Last week, I shared some biblical advice to writers. Here are some more items to ponder: Write on!

Writing and Publishing

The Bible Advises Writers

I am a student of the Bible, reading and contemplating it daily. (See my blog posts about the Bible for some of my thoughts and observations.) With me becoming more serious about the art and craft of writing, I’ve begun to notice relevant writing insights in the Bible. Yes, the Bible advises writers. Consider these […]