Healthcare Call Centers

Multi-Channel Integration

Serve Patients Better and Produce Superior Outcomes By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Some healthcare call centers only handle telephone calls by design and others do it because that’s what they’ve always done. But most have embraced a contact center mindset, where they’re handling more than telephone calls. Channel Options This can include email, text messaging, […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Move from Crisis Mode to Intentional Action

Failing to Prepare Is Preparation for Failure By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Most medical call centers scrambled during the past year to adapt to ever-changing protocols. This includes adjusting to meet caller expectations, appropriately scheduling staff while ensuring their safety, and handling more calls than usual. As a result, a day-to-day survival mentality has emerged […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Who Signs Your Paycheck?

Knowing Who You Work for Helps You Do a Better Job By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. Do you know who signs your paycheck? Whose signature is it that authorizes payment for the work you do? This, of course, is a theoretical question because most workers today receive their compensation electronically. It shows up in their […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Use a Quality Assurance Program to Improve Your Call Center

Use a Quality Assurance Program to Improve Your Call Center By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. In the last issue, we talked about improving your call center by providing ongoing skills training. Now we’ll continue the discussion by addressing a quality assurance (QA) program. In the call center industry, everyone’s talking about providing quality transactions. Quality […]

Healthcare Call Centers

Pursuing Work-Life Balance in the Medical Call Center

Take Key Steps to Reduce Burnout and Increase Retention By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D. We hear a lot about work-life balance. This is extra challenging in the healthcare industry, as well as with call center work. The combination of these two areas in the medical call center results in a need to strive to achieve […]

Call Center

The Call Center Can Save Healthcare

With a shortage of practitioners and a downward push on costs, the call center is poised to come to the rescue By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD It’s a bold statement to claim that call centers are the future solution to healthcare’s present problems. But it’s what I believe. And more and more people in the […]

Call Center

“They Don’t Know We Exist”

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD Getting my annual income tax return done is one of my most dreaded tasks. Though I keep good records, plan ahead, and take a conservative approach, “tax season” is a source of personal anxiety and trepidation. As I organized this year’s batch of requisite documents for my accountant, I stumbled […]