Call Center

Will You Help Us?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD As we start a new year at Connections Magazine, I have a favor to ask you. I don’t do this lightly, and it is important. If you enjoy reading Connections, I know you’ll do whatever you can. Here’s the background: Connections is an advertiser-supported magazine. That means the revenue from […]

Call Center

Your Call Center’s Marketing Future May Be Online

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD I have long been a proponent of the necessity for outsourcing call centers to have websites. In fact, I view a website as a veritable requirement for success in today’s market. To the point, call centers lacking a website are quickly viewed as second-rate providers and not worth the consideration […]

Call Center

Want More Sales? Check Your Email

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD If it’s your job to obtain clients for your call center, I have a secret technique to increase your closing ratio and success rate: check your email. Seriously. I suspect that there’s a better than even chance that you are missing leads, spurning prospects, and losing sales – all because of […]

Call Center

Check Your Email

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD How do you regard email? Is it something that you can’t live without, a necessary evil, or somewhere in between? At Connections Magazine, email is a critical tool that we use to communicate with readers, advertisers, and each other. Without it, our ability to put out this magazine would come […]