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Trolls Under the Bridge

I don’t actually have trolls under the bridge or for that matter a bridge, but what I do have is rabbits — rabbits under the deck.

It’s a good habitat for them. The deck floor provides somewhat of a roof and the lattice surrounding it serves as a means to keep larger animals out, while allowing the rabbits to pass through. It makes for a safe hare lair.

However, as the bunnies got bigger, the lattice became a tight squeeze. But rabbits are rodents and they’re good at gnawing, so they simply chomped a larger entrance. And it’s not just their front entrance, they have a back door, too.

I suspect these were the same rabbits who were enjoying the bean plants in our micro-garden this spring. (By the way, human hair is an effective hare repellant.)

The other day I startled a rabbit from under the deck and then he startled me with his hasty departure as he crashed through his back door. With blazing speed he darted away and into our neighbor’s yard. He circled behind a pine tree and poked his head out from the other side to keep an eye on me.

I had a momentary impulse to give chase and then considered chastising him. But the lattice has already been chewed and he’s leaving the beans alone, so I guess it’s okay for him to stick around. At least he gives me something to blog about.

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Peter Lyle DeHaan is an author, blogger, and publisher with over 30 years of writing and publishing experience. Check out his book Successful Author FAQs for insider tips and insights.

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