Healthcare Call Centers

Help AnswerStat Help You

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, Ph.D.

AnswerStat magazine is an advertiser-supported magazine. That means that the ads in this magazine make it possible for us to write, design, print, and mail AnswerStat to you.

Author Peter Lyle DeHaan

You read AnswerStat because you value the content. Advertisers support AnswerStat because they know that they can reach decision makers and influencers in the telehealth call center arena.

Together we form a mutually interdependent trio: you read AnswerStat magazine, AnswerStat is made possible by our advertisers, and our advertisers need your support. To make this all work, please help us help you:

Check Your Mailing Label: If it says “PLEASE RENEW NOW” that is exactly what we ask you to do. This will insure that you continue to receive AnswerStat magazine, that we aren’t wasting any copies, and that our advertisers receive the best value for their investment in AnswerStat magazine.

Even if your label does not ask you to renew, please verify that everything it contains is accurate. If anything needs to be updated or corrected, we want to know that as well.

Both the renewal and update process are quick and easy, so why not do it now? From that page you may renew your free subscription, request additional copies for colleagues, update mailing address information, or cancel unneeded copies. You may even sign up for electronic distribution if you wish.

Did You Receive Our Email Message? A few weeks ago, we sent out an email to let you know about a free whitepaper, “Five Best Practices in Communication Center Automation for Hospitals.” If you didn’t receive that email message, it’s because we don’t have a working email address for you.

Please make sure we know your correct email address. When you renew your subscription, you will be able to leave us your email address at that time. Otherwise, just email us with your name, 6-digit subscription number, and the email address you want us to use.

What will we do with your email address?

First, be assured that we will not sell, rent, loan, trade, or swap your email address with anyone, ever. I promise. Next, we will email you when it is time to renew your subscription. Third, we will use it to send periodic information (perhaps monthly) that may be of interest to you.

We think that about one message a month is about the right frequency but don’t worry, you can opt out at any time. In addition, we have a new project in the works:

Anticipate Our Newsletter: Yes, AnswerStat will soon be launching a bimonthly newsletter to come out on the months that we don’t publish the magazine. However, in order for you to receive this, we need your email address. Don’t miss out; let us know how to reach you.

Win an iPod: Everyone who renews or updates their subscription or lets us know their email address will be entered into a drawing to win a free iPod. It will be announced in the June/July issue of AnswerStat, so we will need to hear from you soon to be considered.

Plus, for those who have already renewed and given us your email address, you will not be left out. You will automatically be entered into another drawing for a second iPod. [In both cases, the familiar disclaimer applies, “No purchase necessary; void where prohibited by law.”]

Check Out Our Blog: Last fall, AnswerStat launched a blog to better keep you up-to-date. Go to the AnswerStat blog to read breaking news, relevant information, and vendor announcements. You can also access it using an RSS feed or sign up to be notified with each new entry.

Thank Our Sponsors and Advertisers: Lastly, but most importantly, please thank our sponsors and advertisers who make AnswerStat possible.

Thank you for helping us help you.

Read more in Peter Lyle DeHaan’s Healthcare Call Center Essentials, available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book.

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, is the publisher and editor-in-chief of AnswerStat and Medical Call Center News covering the healthcare call center industry. Read his latest book, Sticky Customer Service.

By Peter Lyle DeHaan

Author Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, publishes books about business, customer service, the call center industry, and business and writing.